A Spring Clean for The Wild About Lochaber Website
In celebration of Spring we have given the Wild About Lochaber website a little Spring clean. We have added some new walks and created a map showing the start point of all the walks. We now list over 70 walks, all written by wildlife enthusiats for wildlife enthusiasts. We hope to continue adding walks as we further indulge our passion for wildlife and walking in Wild Lochaber.
We are keenly awaiting Spring and Summer to discover and share more wildlife experiences. We aim to explore the more unusual as well as the standard tours.
The webiste also has a handy list of links to Local Lochaber blogs to keep you up to date with local wildlife and community news.
We are keen fans of Instagram. We would be delighted if you would share your photos and perspective with us on our photo gallery. Simply tag your photos with #wildlochaber to share with us.
If you would like to find out more or get in touch then please feel free to visit our contact page.
Andrew & Jayne