Shian Wood SWT Reserve
Shian Wood, a Scottish Wildlife Trust Reserve, is an ancient semi natural deciduous woodland on a promontory on the southern shore of Loch Creran. The woods (consisting of mainly birch, hazel and oak) support a rich carpet of wild flowers in Spring including bluebell, primrose, wood anenome and wood sorrel. The trees are strewn with lichens and mosses. There is an area of wet heath (with heather, bell heather and bog myrtle) and rush pasture on the southern edge of the reserve, and reedbed and saltmarsh along the northern edge. There are also some lovely areas of wet meadow by the car park. Areas of devil's bit scabious and purple moor grass in the open glades provide the larval foodplant for marsh fritillary and Scotch argus, and the chequered skipper respectively.
There is a circular footpath through the reserve as well as a site map of the reserve.
A lovely reserve supporting a good array woodland bird including redstarts, wood warblers and woodcock. There are also some fine coastal views afforded from a viewpoint in the reserve. Well worth a visit.
Archaeological interest includes the presence of several woodland dykes, areas of rig and furrow and some small-scale quarrying and peat-working area.
The reserve is located north of Benderloch. Take the minor road off the A828 signed posted South Shian just north of Benderloch. Turn left at the crossroads signposted the Island of Eriska. Continue for about 3/4 mile. The car park is located on the right hand side just before you reach the farm buildings of Balure Farm and the private road.